Linked lists as alternatives to arrays
Representing sparse matrices as linked lists
We require to represent the row no., column no., as well as the non-zero element value. Essentially, each row in the matrix with n non-zero elements is made up of a linked list of n nodes.
An array of length m equals the (number of rows - 1). Each element of the array stores the address of the first node. Hence, we have an array of linked lists. The C++ structure is:
struct Node{
int column_number;
int matrix_element;
struct Node * next;
// declare an array of m linked lists
// below compared to: Node * temp = new Node;
Node * A[m];
A[m] = 0;
Node *temp, *last;
// initialise in sequence, with a pointer temp to a new Node
//first row has one non-zero element
A[0] = new Node;
A[0]->column_number = 2;
A[0]->matrix_element = 55;
A[0]->next = 0;
//second row has two non-zero elements
A[1] = new Node;
A[1]->column_number = 1;
A[1]->matrix_element = 55;
A[1]->next = 0;
last = A[1];
//build the next Node and then join
temp = new Node;
temp->column_number = 4;
temp->matrix_element = 12;
temp->next = 0;
last->next = temp;
//and so on...
To display an m x n
matrix, with an array of length m:
Node * ptr;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++){
ptr = A[i];
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++){
if (j == p->column_number)
printf("%d ", ptr->matrix_element);
ptr = ptr->next;
printf("0 ");
Representing polynomials with linked lists
A node with the coefficient and the exponent (and the pointer to the next node) is sufficient to represent each term in a polynomial.
struct Node
int coeff;
int exponent;
struct Node *next;
A polynomial can be evaluated with the following function:
long evaluatePoly(struct Node *ptr, int x)
long sum = 0;
sum += ptr->coeff * pow(x, ptr->exponent);
ptr = ptr->next;
return sum;
The function pow() will require the header file, as given by #include <math.h>