Types of recursive functions

  • Tail recursion: when the recursive function is the last call of a a block, for example
void fun(int n)
 if(n > 0)
 printf("%d ", n); 
 fun(n - 1);

Note this example is not a tail recursion because the final call is the + operator:

void fun(int n)
 if(n > 0)
 printf("%d ", n); 
 fun(n - 1) + n;
  • Head recursion: when a recursive function is the first call of a block (following the conditional statement).

Tail and head recursion, with only one recursive call, are termed linear recursions. They generally have O(n) complexity.

  • Tree recursion: recursion which call themselves more than once (the trace resembles more of a tree than traces for linear recursion).
void fun(int n)
 if (n > 0)
  printf("%d ", n);
  fun(n - 1);
  fun(n - 1);

Above, the output is “3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1”. The space complexity is (n + 1) which is O(n). A total of 15 calls were made for an element size of 3. It can be shown that the order follows a geometric progression, with worst-case degree of 2^(n+1) - 1, which is effectively O(2^n).

  • Indirect recursion: this amounts to A() calling B() which calls A()… When the base case is met, then the cycle is reversed and eventually the calls cease.
void A()

void B()
  • Nested recursion: when a recursive function’s actual parameter is another recursive function.
void fun(int n)