Examples of recursive functions in action

The Taylor series for e^x involves increasing factorials, increasing powers and the sum of all given terms. The recurrence relations are:

sum(n) =    {n = 0               1}
            {n > 0      sum(n-1)+n}
factorial(n) =  {n = 0                 1}
                {n > 0  factorial(n-1)*n}
power(m, n) = {n = 0                  1}
              {n > 0    power(m, n-1)*m}

One can trace from exp(x) = e^x as the sum of exp(x,0) + exp(x,1) + exp(x,2) + ...

The base case is exp(x,0) = 1, and generally, exp(x,y) = x^y/y! = power(x,y)/factorial(y). We first recursively call exp(x,y) until we reach exp(x,0) and then sum the ascending terms.

The C++ code is given as:

int e(int x, int y){
    static int p = 1, f = 1;
    int r;
    if (y == 0)
        return 1;
        r = e(x, y - 1);  //head recursion
        p = p*x;
        f = f*y;
        return r + p/f;

The head recursion is called first until e(x,0) = 1 is called. Then the first return is:

e(x,1) = r + p/f = e(x,0) + p*x^1/f*1

The second return is

e(x,2) = r + p/f = e(x,0) + p*x^1/f*1 + p*x^2/f*2

Thus e(x,y) = e(x,0) + ... + p*x^y/f*y, where the highest order term is returned last.

Note that p = 1 and f = 1 are static variables are never re-initialised.

The time complexity so far is O(n^2) when one considers the number of multiplications for each term. The first two involve no multiplications, the next is 2, the fourth is 4, then 6 so 2[1 + 2 + ... + n] which is 2[n(n+1)/2].

The complexity can be reduced significantly by taking out common factors:

exp(x,4) = 1 + x/1(1 + x/2(1 + x/3(1 + x/4)))

The factorisation employs Horner’s rule. The time complexity is now O(n).

The iterative form of the factored form is:

int e(int x, int n){
    int s = 1;
    for(n > 0; n--){
        s = 1 + x/n*s;
    return s;

The more memory demanding recursive form is:

int e(int x, int n){
    static int s = 1;
    if (n == 0)
        return s;
    s = 1 + x/n*s;
    return e(x, n-1);   //note how this is tail recursive cf. above

Fibonacci series by recursion

fib(n) = {n = 0                 0}
         {n = 1                 1}
         {n > 1 fib(n-2)+fib(n-1)}

The iterative code is:

fib(int n){
    int t0 = 0, t1 = 1, sum, i;
    if(n <= 1) return n;

    for(i = 2, i <= n; i++){
        sum = t0 + t1;
        t0 = t1;
        t1 = sum;

return sum;

The recursive form is:

int fib(int n){
    if(n <= 1) return n;

    return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)

Since some of the fib() calls are staggered (as given by the fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)), one finds that the call is repeated in places. In other words, the recursive function fib(5) calls fib(1) five times. The recursive approach is said to be ‘excessive’. The time complexity of the above functions are, at worst, O(2^n).

The reduction in calls is achieved by storing the intermediate values. This process is known as memoization. An array of negative values (which are not part of the Fibonacci series) can be initialised. For example, for fib(n), the array A[n] with -1 assigned to each element would be initialised. Then an if statement checks if A[n] == -1, then the call is made; otherwise, A[n] is returned. The time complexity of the Fibonacci series is reduced to O(n+1).

nCr by recursion

Background: choose the number of ways a sample is derived for which order does not matter (combinations). For example, ABC and ACB are not distinct but equivalent groups. For a permutation, order does matter, and so ABC and ACB are distinct. Hence there are more permutations than combinations.

The formula for deducing the number of combinations of n elements from a (total) set of r elements is:

nCr = n!/r!(n-r)!    for n >= r

When n = r (when all elements are considered) then there is only one combination. Thus nCn = 1. By definition, 0! = 1 and so 0C0 = 1.

The outer combinations given by Pascal’s triangle are all valued at 1. These values can be checked for instead of called, as the following snippet shows:

if (n == r || r == 0)
    return 1;
return nCr(n-1, r-1) + nCr(n-1,r);

Tower of Hanoi

This originates from the fundamental problem of moving a tower in pieces from A to C, via B.

The function takes the form hanoi(n, start, via, end), where n = disc number, and the positions are denoted by start, via and end.

The sequence of hanoi() functions is dependent on the number of discs. When n = 1, we have:

hanoi(1, A, B, C){
    printf('Move disc 1 from A to C via B');

When there are two discs present, we have a recursion for the first, larger disc when n = 2 and the smaller disc n = 1:

hanoi(2, A, B, C){
    //this prints "Move disc 1 from A to B via C"
    hanoi(1, A, C, B); 

    printf('Move disc 2 from A to C via B');

    //this prints "Move disc 1 from B to C via A"
    hanoi(1, B, A, C);

When there are three discs involved, we have:

hanoi(3, A, B, C){
    hanoi(2, A, C, B);
    printf('Move disc 3 from A to C via B');
    hanoi(2, B, A, C);

In general, for hanoi(n), we have:

void hanoi(int n, int A, int B, int C){
    if(n > 0){
        hanoi(n-1, A, C, B);
        printf('Move disc %d from A to C via B', n);
        hanoi(n-1, B, A, C);

Practically, we would give the positions a constant (int A = 1 etc.). Then the call hanoi(1, 2, 3, 1) is equivalent to hanoi(1, B, C, A), moving disc 1 from B to A via C.