Docker commands

Below are lists of commonly used commands. More comprehensive reference material is provided by the official documentation.

Docker image tags

A note on Docker tag names.

When pulling and pushing images from Docker Hub, the tag name usually takes the form of


where version can be a string literal e.g. 1.0.1-test.

When pushing or pulling from a private repository, the tag name should be preceded by the registry hostname and (if needed) port:

  • Log in to your Docker Hub account (required prior to image upload): docker login --username=yourDockerHubusername
  • In the current directory (.) where the Dockerfile resides, build and tag with: docker build -t imageTagName .
  • Push images to Docker Hub: docker push imageTagName
  • Pull Docker image: docker pull dockerHubImageTag

Summary of key commands

  • List all (-a) Docker images: docker images -a
  • Remove a Docker image (forced with -f): docker rmi -f image_name
  • Delete all dangling Docker images (-a to remove unreferenced images): docker image prune -a
  • Tag a Docker image (alternative to using Image IDs): docker tag imageID imageTagname
  • Save Docker images locally as a tape archive or tarball (tar): docker save imageTagName > filename.tar
  • Load an image from an archive (tar): docker load filename.tar

More Docker image commands from the offical docs here

  • List all running Docker containers: docker ps
  • List all Docker containers: docker ps -a
  • Run a Docker image, create a new container (-d as a daemon) and execute a command: docker container run -d imageID someCommand
  • Start a Docker container: docker start container_name
  • Stop (graceful) a Docker container: docker stop container_name
  • Restart a Docker container: docker container restart container_name
  • Kill a running containers: docker container kill container_name
  • Open a BASH shell in a container: sudo docker exec -it container_name bash
  • View the logs of a Running Docker Container: docker logs container_name
  • Remove a stopped container: docker rm container_name
  • Remove all stopped containers (optional -f to force without confirmation): docker container prune -f
  • Display a live stream of containers’ resource usage stats: docker stats containerName

More Docker container commands from the official docs here

  • Remove a volume (forced with f): docker volume rm -f volume_id
  • Remove all unused volumes (no confirmation with -f): docker volume prune -f

More on Docker volumes is given here.