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Intermediate Java
Java Abstract classes and Interfaces
Java static and final
Java Collections
Regular Expressions with Java
Java File I/O
Java Binary I/O
Java NIO files
Java NIO filesystems
Java Downloading Files
Introducing Threads
Thread interference and synchronisation
Synchronisation blocks and synchronised methods
Java Fair and Live Locks
Lambda functions and Functional Interfaces
Java Client and Server demo
ADTs and Design Patterns in Java
SOLID design principles
The Singleton
The Factory method
The Builder Pattern
The ArrayList
The Linked List
The Stack
The Queue
The Binary Tree
The Binary Search Tree
Algorithms in Java
Bubble sorting
Merge Sorting
Quick sorting
Depth- and Breadth-first searching
Introduction to MySQL
Installing MySQL
MySQL databases
Inserting data into SQL tables
Create, Read, Update and Delete CRUD
Commonly used string functions in MySQL
More refined selections
Aggregate functions in MySQL
More data types in SQL
Operators in MySQL
One-to-Many JOINs
Many-to-many JOINs
Triggers in MySQL
Jakarta EE The Basics
Introduction to Jakarta EE
Introducing Context Dependency Injection CDI
Bean discovery mode
CDI Producers
CDI events
Jakarta EE The JPA
The Jakarta Persistence API (JPA)
Access and mapping types, Fetching and Embeddable
Primary keys, relational mapping and embedding Collections
Sorting collections and Maps in JPA
EJBs and transactions
Persistence context and Entity Manager
Java Persistence Query Language
Other JPA features
Jakarta EE JAX-RS
Jakarta RESTful Web Services
Response objects, Exception mappers and Form fields
Caching, content negotiation and file I/O
Loggers, cookies and filters
Security with JJWT and Apache Shiro
Resources, JSON-B, JSON-P, Clients and SSE
Web sockets
ADTs and Algorithms in C++
Utilising data structures in memory
Essential C and C++
Classes in C++
Types of data structures
Time and space complexity
Recurrence relations and recursion
Static variables and methods
Types of recursive functions
Examples of recursive functions in action
Arrays in C++
Array operations in C++
Searching Arrays
Examples of algorithms on arrays
Strings in C and C++
Matrix methods in C and C++
Sparse Matrices
Linked lists
Linked lists as alternatives to arrays
The Stack data structure
The Queue data structure
Tree data structures
Binary Search Trees BST
AVL Trees
Other search trees
The heap
Sorting methods
Hashing techniques
Exceptions and error-handling
Computer Science
Foundations of Computer Security
Web Application Security
Software Engineering
Software Development Methodologies
Design Principles
Software Testing
Installing Docker
Docker commands
Building images from Dockerfiles
Orchestrating Docker containers with Docker Compose
Source control with Git
Installing Git
Jakarta EE The JAP
This section documents introductory topics to Jakarta EE Java Persistence API (JPA).
Table of contents
The Jakarta Persistence API (JPA)
Access and mapping types, Fetching and Embeddable
Primary keys, relational mapping and embedding Collections
Sorting collections and Maps in JPA
EJBs and transactions
Persistence context and Entity Manager
Java Persistence Query Language
Other JPA features